RAP Quiz
The goal of the Required Agricultural Practices Online Quiz is to provide an accessible, informative tool for livestock farmers and agricultural service providers to raise awareness of the RAPs and water quality improvement practices available for Vermont farmers.
The Orleans County NRCD created this online course to give agricultural producers a way to obtain two hours of Water Quality Training Credits from home.
The RAP Online Quiz is an engaging educational course that includes:

- An outline of how the RAPs apply to your farmstead, field & nutrient management
- Video and photo examples of commonly misunderstood RAP topics, such as livestock exclusion from surface water
- Info on how different management practices impact water quality
- Links to Resources for grants and assistance
A Producer's Perspective on the RAP Quiz
Check out this YouTube video of Paul Knox of Knoxland Farm
Sample Content in a RAP Quiz Video
Review the informative video, Fencing Animals out of Streams & Pastures