About the Orleans County Natural Resources Conservation District

The Orleans County Natural Resources Conservation District (OCNRCD) has been serving land stewards and leading local conservation efforts in Orleans County since 1946.
Conservation districts work on a local level to protect natural resources, provide solutions and resources to address environmental concerns, coordinate resources to support conservation land use practices. Along with our colleagues at the other 14 Vermont NRCDs, we are hard at work helping to improve water quality, protect the natural landscape, and support agricultural best management practices. Through technical, financial, and educational assistance, conservation districts operate under state statute and act as local facilitators linking landowners and producers with the appropriate federal, state, local, and private programs to meet their management objectives.
Orleans County NRCD BrochureProfessional Services FlyerThe Mission of the Orleans County NRCD
Our mission is to protect and enhance the soils and waters of Orleans County by providing leadership, education, and services for the adoption of sound land stewardship practices.