Lake Watershed Project Management
In an effort to protect water quality in Vermont lakes, the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VTDEC) seeks to identify the environmental sources of erosion and phosphorus loading by partnering with water quality professionals.
The Orleans County NRCD, along with our partners, engage in field assessments via programs like Lake Wise and Lake Watershed Action Plans, to identify problem areas. Lake restoration opportunities are identified, recorded, and prioritized. The next step is turning them into projects that can be implemented.
After completing four LWAPs in the last few years, we have collectively identified 246 problem areas, which we like to call restoration opportunities! There is a lot of potential for us to design and implement man projects in the future to continue to improve and protect the water quality in our beautiful lakes.
We install lake shoreland restoration projects with the goal of managing the flow of stormwater, enhancing shoreland vegetation, and protecting eroding shores to help catch, slow and absorb water.

How does the process work from project identification to the installation of a lake shoreland restoration project?
Lake Shoreland Restoration Project Sequencing - Once a priority project is identified, the following process ensues to take it from project development to implementation (installation of Best Management Practices):
- Phase 1- Project Development: Applicant seeks grant funding to identify & define projects; landowner commitment secured; VTDEC eligibility screening
- Phase 2 - Design: Applying for grants to pay for design, develop a budget, and identify permits. Project design may take place in two phases: 30% design (preliminary) and then 100% design, or go straight to 100% design
- Phase 3 - Implementation: Water quality groups apply for grants to install Shoreland Best Management Practices (BMPs); tasks include hiring contractors, managing the project, sourcing supplies; landowner match may be requested (i.e., to pay a percent of the cost of the supplies)Phase 4 - Operations &
- Maintenance: Develop O&M plan and agreement; paid for in part by grants and landowner
For an informative guide on how the overall process unfolds, click on this link for our handout, Lake Shoreland Restoration Project Sequencing.
Lake Shoreland Restoration Project Sequencing.pdfTo learn more about the funding opportunities for this work, check out our Lake Shoreland Project Funding Opportunities document linked here.
Funding Ops Lake Shoreland Project Funding.docx.pdfTo learn more about our program navigation role for project development, check out our Program Navigator explained factsheet linked here.
VT NRCD Program Navigation Summary Final V3.pdf