Jared Nunery

Jared is a licensed forester in Vermont, and works for the State of Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation as the Orleans County Forester. He lives in Hyde Park with his wife Ashley and children Finn and Willa. As the Orleans County Forester, he works with landowners across the county to promote sound stewardship of our forests. Jared also serves on the Advisory Boards for the Lake Region Union High School Vocational Agriculture Program, and the North Country Career Center Forestry, Agriculture and Water Resources Program. Prior to working for the State of Vermont, he worked across five continents evaluating forestry conservation practices. He has worked for non-profit organizations, private consulting firms, and both federal and state governments, offering a diverse background in organizational structure and function. Jared passionately cares about promoting and practicing sound stewardship of the land, and as Aldo Leopold best put it, “intelligent tinkering” in our forests.