Echo-Seymour LWAP
We are thrilled to have recently wrapped up an LWAP in the Echo watershed, identifying 100 potential restoration projects!
Public Resources
For a quick summary of the Echo-Seymour LWAP project timeline, deliverables, and other details, check out this project summary handout:
Project Summary-Echo-Sey LWAP.pdfTo explore the existing information about the watershed, you can access the Echo-Seymour LWAP Data Library and ArcGIS Webmap. A Lake Watershed Action Plan Data Library is a digital compilation of the relevant information regarding the watershed such as overview maps of proposed field assessment areas, boundaries for evaluations, target stream reaches, hydrologically connected road segments, lakeshore areas of concern, and erosion-prone private roads/driveways. The Echo-Seymour ArcGIS Webmap also provides details about the watershed and desktop assessments.
To review the prioritized projects and initial concept designs for the Echo-Seymour LWAP, you can go to the Echo-Seymour Public Folder.
Community Engagement
You can watch video recordings on our YouTube channel of the community meetings we hosted at the links below.
- Echo-Seymour LWAP Kick-off Meeting - July, 2023
- Echo-Seymour LWAP Project Prioritization Public Meeting- Aug 7, 2024
- Echo-Seymour LWAP Final Report, Designs & Next Steps - Dec 4, 2024
You can also review the presentation slides from the meetings below which can give you a quick overview of the focus on content of these meetings:
- Echo-Seymour LWAP Kick-off Meeting Presentations - OCNRCD & MWA
- Echo-Seymour LWAP Priortization Meeting Presentation
- Echo-Seymour LWAP Final Report Presentation