Digging Near Our Shorelines

Are you a contractor, landscaper, engineer, or site worker who moves dirt on our lakeshores? Join us for a hands-on workshop on the best management practices (BMPs) for shorelands. Learn about the BMPs for restoring eroding shorelines including techniques for erosion control, stormwater management, and wildlife habitat protection. And participate in the installation of a bioengineering project going in at Crystal Lake.
To register for the workshop, please contact Bevin: bevin.barber-campbell@vt.nacdnet.net or 802.624.7024
Lakeshore owners often rely on professional contractors, landscapers, engineers or other site workers to give advice and help them manage their property for preserving water quality. These advanced techniques for preventing erosion have become more commonly known to lakeshore property owners. Additionally, there is grant funding available for clean water initiatives like shoreland restoration. Conservation groups and property owners are looking for contractors that have these skills.
Attendance can fulfill your recertification requirement for the VTDEC Natural Erosion Control Certification Course* (recertification is required every 3 years).
*The VTDEC Natural Erosion Control Certification course is another option for learning this content. It is offered each year by the VT Dept of Environmental Conservation. The next course will be offered in Jan 2025. To learn more about the course, go to: https://dec.vermont.gov/watershed/lakes-ponds/lakeshores-lake-wise/nsecc